Today, one of the most effective ways to touch the buyer persona is through content, but is your content good enough to unleash a wave of emotions? Can your content bring a couple of tears? Can you jump up with excitement, anticipation, or a tantrum? With Storytelling you can do it.
We tell you some of the tips you should follow when telling the story of your brand that, as you should know, is part of the pieces to complete a good marketing plan in the digital environment. Brands like Apple, Coca Cola, Nike, Adidas, are great examples of how to tell a good story about your brand. It only remains for you and your creative team to put together a message that collides with brain cells to be remembered for a long time.
6 Tips that will help you tell a good brand story
- Make your storytelling good enough to touch the emotional side of your niche
Human beings are 90% emotional and 10% rational, and that is something you should already know.
Have you watched ‘citation’ the movie? I can assure you that a lot of ladies could relate to that and a lot of the felt very happy when the professor was served the law.
And that’s the idea; that with the story that you want to tell to represent and identify your brand in the market, you can generate such strong emotions that, at the end of the day, even at the end of the year, whoever has seen you still remembers you.
When you are in the process of creating your brand story, first think about what emotion you want your niche to relate to; anger, sadness, joy. Think carefully about this point because if at the end of the road you have a great message, keep in mind that that emotion will last for a long time in the niche.
- Engage your audience through the senses with the story of your brand.
The idea is that, in your story, you give importance to the narration, to the sounds (remember again a commercial for Coca Cola or another soda). When the container is uncovered, the “aaahh” that the model makes when drinking the soda.
All these elements make the viewer feel a connection with the product they are selling. The refreshing sensation, the excitement of drinking a cold soda, in short. Combine all the elements so that the senses of your audience are activated and feel part of the story.
- Break with the chronological order of the story in your storytelling.
Break the chronological thread and have fun with a video that begins in the middle of the story or the end.
- Narrative plays a key role in your brand story
The narrative is that touch that allows the audience to place themselves on the scene.
The narrative of your brand’s history should be designed to show why you are doing what you do. For example, your brand story may be focused on saying:
The reason your company came to market.
What motivates you and your team to work to provide the right solutions, to the underserved public.
What are the principles of your brand, vision, mission, values.
It is good to recognize that humor is a very particular way of reaching the audience, without a doubt, it can help you distinguish between so much noise.
Now, what you have to find out is to what extent you can use humor to tell the story of your brand. Are you sure that your audience would receive a message with humor? Would it really make an impact?
- Include a conflict within your storytelling
Creating a conflict in a brand story will make the story more interesting.
The protagonist of the story has many conflicts in a single day, luckily, she has a series of mini-heroes that help her relieve the burden of her heavy day.
The conflict will make your brand be seen at the end of the message as that superhero who gets to put everything in order and save it from impending disaster. Because at the end of the road, your company is there to help.
Conflict is that part of our life that contains a lot of drama and that, in the end, entertains. Why do you think there are so many drama films that have been successful?
- Create characters in your storytelling that can be loved by the audience
There is no story without a protagonist, without characters. So once you have a more or less clear idea, think about the character.
Making your brand history can be the best way to plant yourself in your niche market. Think of this story as the best way to establish yourself within the minds of your potential clients. Put your heart in it and you will see that you can get what you want.
Here are other five steps prior to writing a story:
- Define your goal and your ideal client
If you want to know how to write a story step by step, it is important that you know well who you are talking to. It may be obvious, but telling a story for a child is not the same as telling it for an adult. In the same way, it is different to write for an experienced reader than for a sporadic one.
The language used will vary, as will the grammatical and structural complexity. Therefore, my recommendation is that you create a profile with the data of the ideal client you want to attract : is it a man or a woman? How old are you? What are your main interests?
This profile is called, in marketing, buyer persona . When you are clear, write for that person. Always keep it on your mind as you create your story.
In addition, it is essential that you define a goal . What do you want to achieve with your story? Maybe you want to improve the notoriety of your brand or maybe you are looking to retain your customers . Maybe your objective goes further and you want to educate the population about an issue and thus promote your brand values
- Decide how and where you will tell your story
The decision to offer the story in a single installment or to do it across different episodes is yours. - Write the premise and synopsis.
Remember that you can tell many types of stories around your brand : obstacles overcome and achievements achieved, where your products come from, the experience of your employees, the testimonials of your customers, and so on
- Work on your characters
Knowing your characters well is vitally important. A well-constructed character is one whose thoughts, actions, and description are consistent with each other - Step 5. Write your rundown. To know how to write a story step by step, it is very useful to have an outline to guide us in the sequence of events.
Don’t forget
The best stories are also simple: boy meets girl, worker in distress, moral conflict or period drama. Stories that are easy to understand because they are based on a language we know: that of human experiences
How to do a good storytelling is an art that cannot be mastered in two kicks, but I hope that with these tips, you will be a little closer to achieving it.