Prolanz Digital Marketing Agency in Nigeria

How to Run Instagram Ads for Your Business in Nigeria

How to Run Instagram Ads for Your Business in Nigeria

Instagram has rapidly grown into one of the most popular social media platforms in Nigeria, with millions of active users scrolling through their feeds daily. For Nigerian businesses, this presents a unique opportunity to reach potential customers, not only locally but also on a global scale. In this post, you will learn how to run Instagram Ads for your business in Nigeria.

If you are a small business owner or a large enterprise, Instagram ads allow you to target specific audiences, showcase your products or services, and drive meaningful interactions with potential customers.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about running Instagram ads for your business in Nigeria, from the platform’s advertising options to setting up a successful campaign that delivers real results.

What are Instagram Ads?

Instagram ads are a way for businesses to promote their products or services by paying Instagram to show their content to a specific group of people. Unlike regular posts, which rely on organic reach, Instagram ads give that extra push to ensure your business reaches a targeted audience, even those who do not follow your account. This is very important for Nigerian businesses looking to expand their reach beyond their followers.

What Instagram Ads Look Like

These ads appear in different places on Instagram, including users’ feeds, Stories, Explore pages, and even shopping sections. What makes Instagram ads stand out is that they look almost the same as normal posts, but they have a small “Sponsored” label that tells users it’s a paid ad. These ads can contain photos, videos, or a combination of both (carousel), and often come with extra features like links, Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons (e.g., “Shop Now” or “Learn More”), and product tags for easy purchases.

Benefits of Running Instagram Ads for Your Business in Nigeria

Running Instagram ads for your business in Nigeria has several advantages that can help your brand grow, connect with more people, and increase sales. Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in Nigeria, and advertising on it can put your business right in front of the people you want to reach. Here are the key benefits of running Instagram ads for your business in Nigeria:

1. Target the Right Audience

Instagram ads allow you to reach specific groups of people who are more likely to be interested in your business. For example, you can target people based on their age, location (like Lagos or Abuja), interests, gender, or even their behaviors. This means you’re not wasting money showing your ads to people who aren’t interested. If you’re running a fashion business in Nigeria, you can make sure your Instagram ads reach fashion enthusiasts within the country or a specific city.

To target the right audience, you can:

  • Tap on the “Create Ad” button after selecting your post.
  • In the “Audience” section, click “Create Your Own”.
  • Set your desired audience by adjusting age, gender, and location filters.
  • Don’t forget to set Nigeria as the primary location for your ad.

2. Increase Brand Awareness

If you’re trying to build a name for your business in Nigeria, Instagram ads are one of the fastest ways to get more eyes on your brand. Since Instagram ads appear in different places like Stories, Explore, and Feed, even people who have never heard of your business before will see it. This means you can quickly build a presence on Instagram without waiting for organic followers to find you.

To boost brand awareness:

  • When creating an ad, select “Awareness” as your campaign objective.
  • Instagram will optimize your ad to show it to more people, increasing your brand’s exposure.

3. Drive Website Traffic and Sales

One of the best things about Instagram ads is that they allow you to include clickable links and Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons like “Shop Now”, “Contact Us”, or “Learn More”. For example, if you have an online store or a website, Instagram ads can drive people directly to your site, increasing your chances of making a sale.

For Nigerian businesses looking to increase sales:

  • Tap “Add Website” while creating the ad to link your website or online store.
  • Choose the best CTA button that fits your goal, such as “Shop Now” for eCommerce or “Sign Up” for newsletters or promotions.

4. Cost-Effective Advertising

Instagram ads are budget-friendly, especially for small businesses in Nigeria. You can control how much you spend, from as low as ₦500 per day, and still see results. There is also freedom to decide the budget, and Instagram will help you reach people within that limit. You don’t need millions to advertise your business on Instagram in Nigeria; even with a small budget, you can make an impact.

To manage your budget:

  • Tap on “Budget & Duration” when setting up your ad.
  • Select a daily budget or a lifetime budget and set the duration for how long you want your ad to run.
  • Start small and track your results. You can increase your budget later if you see success.

5. Showcase Your Products in Multiple Formats

Instagram offers different ad formats like Photo Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads (which allow you to show multiple images or videos), and Stories Ads. This flexibility lets you showcase your products or services in a variety of engaging ways, making it easier for Nigerian businesses to capture attention and stand out from the competition.

To choose the right format:

  • During the ad creation process, pick between Single Image, Video, or Carousel.
  • If you want to showcase multiple products, choose Carousel Ads and upload different images or videos.

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How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost in Nigeria?

The cost of Instagram ads varies depending on factors like your budget, the duration of your campaign, and the audience you want to target. Instagram allows you to set your own spending limits, so whether you’re a small business in Nigeria or a large brand, you can control how much you spend. Let’s explore how the pricing works when you advertise your business on Instagram.

1. Setting a Budget for Instagram Ads

Instagram ads operate on a budget system, allowing you to choose between a daily budget or a lifetime budget:

  • Daily Budget: This is the amount you’re willing to spend per day. For example, if you set a daily budget of ₦2,000, Instagram will spend that amount each day to show your ad to as many people as possible within your budget.
  • Lifetime Budget: With this option, you set a total amount you’re willing to spend for the entire campaign duration. For instance, if you set a ₦20,000 lifetime budget for a 10-day ad campaign, Instagram will spread that amount across the days.

Meta, the parent company of Instagram, recommends starting with at least $5 (around ₦3,750) per day. However, you can adjust your budget based on your goals. Keep in mind that advertising on Instagram can be flexible, so there’s no strict rule on how much you should spend to get good results.

To set a budget:

  • Tap “Create Ad”.
  • In the “Budget & Schedule” section, choose between daily or lifetime budget.
  • Enter the amount you’re willing to spend.

2. Factors That Influence Instagram Ad Costs

There are no fixed prices for Instagram ads, as the cost can vary depending on several factors. Here’s what affects the cost when running Instagram ads for your business in Nigeria:

  • Audience Targeting: If you’re targeting a broader audience or popular demographics in Nigeria, like young adults interested in fashion or tech, it might cost more to reach them because of the high competition.
  • Industry Competition: The more competitive your industry, the higher the cost of ads. For example, if you’re advertising in the financial or eCommerce sector, you may need to spend more to outbid competitors and reach the right people.
  • Time of Year: Ad costs can increase during peak shopping seasons like Black Friday or Christmas, when many businesses are running promotions. It’s common for prices to rise during these times because more advertisers are competing for attention.
  • Ad Placement: Instagram offers different placements for ads, such as in Feeds, Stories, and Explore. The cost can vary between these placements. For instance, Feed ads might cost more than Story ads, depending on how much engagement they generate.

3. Types of Instagram’s Bidding System

Instagram ads use a bidding system, which means you compete with other advertisers for your ad to be shown. You can let Instagram automatically optimize your bid, or you can set a manual bid to control how much you’re willing to pay for each action (like a click or view).

To use automatic bidding:

  • Select “Automatic” in the bidding options.
  • Instagram will adjust your bid to get the most engagement at the best price.

For manual bidding:

  • Choose “Manual” in the bidding section.
  • Set a maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each click or impression.

If you’re new to advertising on Instagram, it’s a good idea to start with automatic bidding to let Instagram optimize your results. Once you have more experience, you can experiment with manual bidding to fine-tune your budget.

4. How To Calculate Your Instagram Ad Costs in Advance

Before you finalise your campaign, Instagram provides an estimate of how well your ad will perform based on the budget you’ve set. This includes the number of people your ad might reach and the potential clicks or actions you’ll get.

To see these estimates:

  • In the “Ad Preview” section, you’ll find a module called “Audience Definition” and “Estimated Daily Results”.
  • Adjust your budget, and Instagram will show you whether your settings will reach the audience you want within the campaign period.

This feature is especially useful for businesses in Nigeria looking to get the most out of their advertising budget.

Types of Instagram Ads

Instagram offers a wide variety of ad formats to help businesses reach their marketing goals. Whether you’re a small business in Nigeria or a large company, choosing the right Instagram ad type is key to effectively advertise your business on Instagram. Each type of ad is programmed to engage users in different ways, providing unique opportunities to showcase products, services, or brand stories.

1. Image Ads

Instagram image ads are the simplest and most straightforward form of advertising. These ads allow businesses to promote their brand with a single high-quality image. Image ads can be displayed in users’ feeds, Stories, or the Explore tab.

How to Create Image Ads:

  • Open the Instagram Ads Manager and select your campaign objective (e.g., awareness, traffic, or sales).
  • Choose “Image” as your ad format.
  • Upload a high-quality image that represents your product or service.
  • Add a compelling call-to-action (CTA) button like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”
  • Set your budget and audience targeting, then publish your ad.


  • Best suited for visually appealing products or services.
  • Simple to set up and manage.
  • Can be enhanced with text overlays and CTAs like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”

2. Story Ads

Instagram Story ads are full-screen vertical ads that appear in between user-generated Stories. With more than 500 million people using Instagram Stories daily, this ad type is perfect for grabbing attention.

How to Create Story Ads:

  • Open Instagram Ads Manager and select your campaign objective.
  • Choose the “Story” placement for your ad.
  • Upload a vertical image or video that fits within the Story format.
  • Add interactive elements like polls, stickers, or swipe-up links.
  • Finalize your budget and audience targeting before publishing.


  • Full-screen experience makes it immersive and engaging.
  • Great for flash sales, limited-time offers, or event promotions.
  • Allows you to add interactive features like polls and swipe-up CTAs.

3. Video Ads

Video ads on Instagram allow businesses to tell a story or demonstrate how a product works. Videos can be up to 60 minutes long, but shorter videos tend to be more effective.

How to Create Video Ads:

  • Go to Instagram Ads Manager and choose your campaign objective.
  • Select the “Video” format.
  • Upload your video file, ensuring it meets Instagram’s size and quality requirements.
  • Add a CTA like “Watch More” or “Shop Now.”
  • Define your budget and audience targeting, then publish the ad.


  • Ideal for demonstrating product usage or telling a brand story.
  • Engaging format that increases retention and awareness.
  • Can be used in-feed, Stories, or Explore ads.

4. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads feature multiple images or videos that users can swipe through. These ads are useful when showcasing a collection of products, telling a multi-part story, or highlighting different features of a product.

How to Create Carousel Ads:

  • Select “Carousel” when setting up your Instagram ad campaign.
  • Upload up to 10 images or videos in a sequence.
  • Add a unique link or CTA button to each image or video.
  • Customize your targeting and budget before launching.


  • Great for showcasing multiple products or features in a single ad.
  • Offers flexibility in telling stories or demonstrating product options.
  • Allows more interaction through swipe functionality.

5. Collection Ads

Collection ads combine carousel and shopping features, allowing users to browse products directly within Instagram. These ads are designed for e-commerce brands and can lead users to an in-app shopping experience.

How to Create Collection Ads:

  • Open Instagram Ads Manager and select “Collection” as the ad format.
  • Connect your product catalog to Instagram Shopping.
  • Upload product images, along with pricing and descriptions.
  • Choose a CTA like “Shop Now” to drive users to purchase.


  • Best suited for online stores and e-commerce businesses.
  • Allows users to shop directly from the ad without leaving Instagram.
  • Highly engaging and conversion-focused.

6. Explore Ads

Explore ads appear in the Explore section of Instagram, where users discover new content tailored to their interests. These ads can be images or videos and are displayed once users click on content from the Explore grid.

How to Create Explore Ads:

  • Open Instagram Ads Manager and select your campaign objective.
  • Choose “Explore” as your placement.
  • Upload your image or video.
  • Set up your budget and targeting, then publish the ad.


  • Targets users actively discovering new content.
  • Increases the chance of reaching people outside your existing audience.
  • Suitable for all types of businesses, especially those looking to expand their reach.

7. Reels Ads

Instagram Reels ads are full-screen, vertical video ads that appear between user-generated Reels. These ads can be up to 60 seconds long and allow users to like, comment, or share just like regular Reels.

How to Create Reels Ads:

  • Open Instagram Ads Manager and choose your campaign objective.
  • Select “Reels” as your ad format.
  • Upload your video and ensure it includes music or sound to fit the Reels format.
  • Add a CTA like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”
  • Set your budget and audience targeting before publishing.


  • Reaches an engaged audience of Reels users.
  • Can be highly entertaining and shareable.
  • Perfect for showcasing creative, high-energy content.

8. Shopping Ads

Shopping ads are designed for e-commerce brands and link directly to a product page within Instagram. Users can view product details and complete purchases without leaving the app.

How to Create Shopping Ads:

  • Ensure you have Instagram Shopping set up and connected to your product catalog.
  • Select “Shopping” as your ad format in Instagram Ads Manager.
  • Choose a product to feature and add relevant details.
  • Publish the ad with a CTA like “Shop Now.”


  • Seamless shopping experience for users.
  • Best suited for businesses selling physical products.
  • Increases the chances of conversion directly from the ad.

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How to Advertise Your Business on Instagram in Nigeria – Step-by-Step Guide to Create Instagram Ads

When it comes to advertising your business on Instagram, the platform provides two main options: promoting an existing post directly within the app (called “Boosting”) or setting up a customized ad campaign using the Meta Ads Manager. Both methods can be effective depending on your advertising goals. In this guide, we’ll walk through both methods in detail.

Method 1: Promote a Post Directly on Instagram (Boosting)

This method is the fastest and simplest way to get your business in front of more people. All you need is a business or creator Instagram account, which is connected to your Facebook Business Page. Here’s how to advertise your business on Instagram directly through a boosted post:

Step 1: Choose a Post to Promote

  • Open your Instagram app and navigate to your business profile.
  • Scroll through your feed and find a post that has performed well (e.g., received many likes or comments).
  • Below the post, you’ll see a Boost Post button. Tap it.

Step 2: Set Your Goal

Instagram allows you to select one of three goals for your boosted post:

  • More profile visits (if you want more people to check out your profile).
  • More website visits (if you’re looking to drive traffic to your website).
  • More messages (includes direct Instagram messages, WhatsApp messages, or Facebook Messenger).

Choose the goal that aligns with your advertising objectives. If you have an online store, for example, you might want to select “More website visits.”

Step 3: Define Your Audience

You can either:

  • Let Instagram define your audience automatically based on your follower data, or
  • Manually create your own audience based on demographics like location, age, interests, and behavior.

For businesses in Nigeria, if you want to focus on reaching local customers, you should define your audience by location, targeting specific regions or cities.

Step 4: Set Your Budget and Duration

  • Decide on your daily budget, which is the amount you’re willing to spend each day. Instagram will show you how many people your post could reach based on your budget.
  • Next, choose how long you want the ad to run. You can set the ad to run for a specific number of days or let it run continuously until you manually stop it.

Step 5: Review and Boost

Once you’ve finalized your audience, budget, and duration, review the details of your promotion. If everything looks good, click the Boost Post button to submit it for approval. Instagram typically reviews ads within 24 hours.

You can monitor your ad’s performance by going to the Promotions tab in your Instagram profile. From there, you’ll see how many people your ad is reaching and engaging with.

Method 2: Create a New Ad Using Meta Ads Manager

If you need more control and flexibility over your Instagram Ads for your business in Nigeria, then using the Meta Ads Manager is the best option. This allows you to target your audience with precision and customize every aspect of your campaign.

Step 1: Access Meta Ads Manager

Step 2: Select Your Campaign Objective

Meta offers six campaign objectives tailored for Instagram ads. Choose the one that best fits your goals:

  • Awareness: Show your ad to as many people as possible to increase brand awareness.
  • Traffic: Drive users to your website, app, or Instagram Shop.
  • Engagement: Boost likes, comments, and shares on your posts.
  • Leads: Capture valuable contact information from potential customers.
  • App Promotion: Encourage app installs or re-engagement with your app.
  • Sales: Target people most likely to purchase your products or services.

For instance, if your main aim is to increase online sales, the Sales objective would be ideal. After choosing your objective, click Continue.

Step 3: Name Your Campaign

Give your campaign a unique name that reflects its goal. This will help you keep track of your ads and their performance.

Step 4: Set Your Budget and Schedule

You’ll need to decide whether you want to set a daily budget (the amount you want to spend each day) or a lifetime budget (the total amount you’ll spend for the entire campaign).

  • Daily Budget: Great for ongoing campaigns that run continuously.
  • Lifetime Budget: Best for limited-time promotions.

Next, schedule when your ad will run. You can choose to let the ad run continuously or specify the start and end dates.

Step 5: Define Your Audience

This is where you decide who sees your ad. You can create a new audience or use a saved one. In Nigeria, it’s important to target based on:

  • Location: Cities like Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, or specific regions.
  • Demographics: Age, gender, education, etc.
  • Interests: Consider targeting based on interests like entrepreneurship, online shopping, or specific niches related to your business.

You can even go as far as targeting people who have engaged with your brand on Instagram in the past, or those who have visited your website but haven’t made a purchase yet.

Step 6: Choose Ad Placements

Meta allows you to either:

  • Automatic Placements: Meta chooses where your ads will perform best.
  • Manual Placements: You can specifically choose to show your ad only on Instagram (this excludes Facebook or Messenger).

For Instagram ads, you can choose placements such as:

  • Instagram Feed
  • Instagram Stories
  • Instagram Explore

If you’re new to advertising on Instagram, it’s usually best to go with Automatic Placements so that Meta optimizes your ad delivery.

Step 7: Create Your Ad

Now it’s time to design your ad. You can choose from different formats, such as:

  • Image: A single high-quality image showcasing your product or service.
  • Video: A short video ad to explain your brand or products.
  • Carousel: Multiple images or videos users can swipe through.
  • Collection: A grid of product images for users to browse.

You’ll also need to add the following details:

  • Text: Write engaging copy that communicates your brand message.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Choose a CTA that aligns with your goal (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” “Sign Up”).
  • Website URL: Include a link to your website, Instagram Shop, or landing page.

Step 8: Track Performance and Make Adjustments

Once your ad is live, use the Meta Ads Manager to monitor its performance. Look at metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. If needed, make adjustments to your audience, budget, or ad creative to improve results.

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The One Instagram Advertising Agency That Drives Real Results

Looking to boost your business with Instagram Ads but not sure where to start? Let us handle it for you! At Prolanz Digitals, we specialize in creating high-converting Instagram ads for businesses in Nigeria. Whether you’re looking to increase sales, drive website traffic, or grow your brand, we’ll create, manage, and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

We have more than 8 years of experience and know how to bring you sales regardless of your advertising budget. Don’t miss out on reaching your audience—partner with us today and watch your business grow!

Frequently Asked Questions On How to Run Instagram Ads for Your Business in Nigeria

1. How much does it cost to run ads on Instagram in Nigeria?

The cost of running ads on Instagram in Nigeria varies depending on factors such as your ad objectives, target audience, and bidding strategy. However, the minimum daily budget for an Instagram ad is typically around ₦500 – ₦1,000. Your cost can increase based on how broad or specific your targeting is and the duration of the campaign.

2. How to run ads on Instagram in Nigeria?

To run ads on Instagram in Nigeria, follow these steps:

  • Convert your Instagram profile to a business account.
  • Link your Instagram account to a Facebook page.
  • Use the Instagram app to boost a post, or use Meta Ads Manager for more advanced targeting.
  • Choose your campaign objective, audience, budget, and ad format.
  • Monitor the performance of your ads through the Insights feature or Meta Ads Manager.

3. Which card can I use to pay for Instagram ads in Nigeria?

You can use any internationally accepted debit or credit card to pay for Instagram ads in Nigeria. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are widely accepted. However, some local Naira cards might have limitations, so using a Dollar-denominated card or a virtual card may work better.

4. How to pay for Instagram ads in Nigeria in 2024?

In 2024, you can pay for Instagram ads using credit or debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.), PayPal (if enabled in your region), or virtual cards like Barter by Flutterwave or Dollar cards provided by certain Nigerian fintech companies.

5. How much do Instagram ads cost per 1,000?

The cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) for Instagram ads can range from ₦500 to ₦1,500, depending on your target audience, ad placement, and industry. Your CPM could also vary based on competition and demand for ad space.

6. How much money do you need for Instagram ads?

To run effective Instagram ads, it’s recommended to start with a minimum daily budget of ₦1,000. For better reach and engagement, consider allocating at least ₦5,000 – ₦10,000 for an ad campaign running over several days.

7. How much does Instagram pay for 1,000 views?

Instagram does not pay for 1,000 views unless you’re part of their monetization program (e.g., Instagram Reels Play Bonus or affiliate programs). The earnings for views can vary based on the program, region, and engagement rates.

8. Does Instagram accept a Naira card?

Instagram accepts Naira cards, but some users have reported issues with certain local bank cards. It’s recommended to use cards from fintech companies or dollar-denominated cards to avoid payment issues.

9. What happens if you don’t pay an Instagram promotion?

If you don’t pay for an Instagram promotion, your ad will be paused, and Instagram will attempt to charge your account again. Failure to pay might limit your ability to run future ads until the balance is settled.

10. What is a good starting budget for Instagram ads?

A good starting budget for Instagram ads in Nigeria is around ₦5,000 per campaign. This allows you to test different audiences and ad creatives without spending too much upfront. As you gather data on what works, you can adjust your budget.

11. How many followers do you need on Instagram to get paid for ads?

There is no specific follower count needed to get paid for ads on Instagram, but typically, accounts with 10,000+ followers are eligible for affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and influencer partnerships.

12. Can I advertise on Instagram without paying?

No, advertising on Instagram requires payment. However, you can increase organic reach by creating high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with your audience to promote your business for free.

13. What is the best time to run ads on Instagram?

The best time to run ads on Instagram depends on your target audience. Generally, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. are good times. However, use Insights to check when your audience is most active.

14. How do I boost my business on Instagram?

To boost your business on Instagram, post consistently, engage with your audience, use Instagram Stories, Reels, and IGTV, and consider using Instagram Ads. Collaborating with influencers and running giveaways can also increase visibility.

15. How to receive payments on Instagram?

To receive payments on Instagram, set up a business account and link it to a payment processor like PayPal or a Nigerian payment gateway such as Flutterwave or Paystack for Instagram Shops. You can also receive payments via direct messaging if offering services.

16. How to monetize your Instagram?

You can monetize your Instagram by:

  • Running sponsored posts.
  • Joining affiliate marketing programs.
  • Setting up an Instagram Shop to sell products.
  • Using Instagram’s monetization features such as badges in live videos or the Reels Play Bonus.

17. Does Instagram pay for reels?

Yes, Instagram pays for Reels through the Instagram Reels Play Bonus, which is currently available in select countries. You can earn money based on views and engagement if you qualify for the program.

18. How can I get paid on my Instagram?

You can get paid on Instagram by working with brands as an influencer, selling products via Instagram Shop, or earning from Instagram’s in-app monetization tools like badges or the Reels Play Bonus.

19. How do I get 1k followers on Instagram business?

To get 1k followers on your Instagram business account:

  • Post high-quality, engaging content regularly.
  • Use relevant hashtags.
  • Engage with other users by liking, commenting, and following.
  • Collaborate with influencers or run promotions.

20. What is the best time to post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram is generally during weekdays between 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. However, check your Instagram Insights for the most accurate data on when your audience is active.

21. How do I get more followers on my Instagram business page?

To get more followers on your Instagram business page:

  • Optimize your profile with a clear bio and professional photo.
  • Post regularly and engage with followers.
  • Use Instagram Stories, Reels, and IGTV.
  • Run Instagram Ads targeting potential followers.

22. What hashtags get the most views on Instagram?

Popular hashtags that get the most views include:

  • #instagood
  • #photooftheday
  • #love
  • #fashion However, using niche-specific hashtags relevant to your business and audience is more effective for engagement.

23. How to get quick followers on Instagram?

To get quick followers on Instagram:

  • Post viral-worthy content.
  • Collaborate with influencers or larger accounts.
  • Engage with trending hashtags and users.
  • Run Instagram Ads to promote your page.

24. How do I get people to follow my new business on Instagram?

Promote your new business on Instagram by:

  • Sharing engaging content.
  • Using relevant hashtags.
  • Running Instagram Ads.
  • Collaborating with other businesses or influencers.

25. How many hashtags should I use on Instagram?

Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but it’s recommended to use between 5-15 relevant and targeted hashtags to avoid looking spammy.

26. How to go viral on Instagram?

To go viral on Instagram:

  • Post engaging and visually appealing content.
  • Use trending hashtags.
  • Share your content on Stories, Reels, and IGTV.
  • Engage with popular accounts and content in your niche.

27. How do I make my Instagram posts more visible?

Make your Instagram posts more visible by:

  • Posting at peak times.
  • Using relevant and trending hashtags.
  • Engaging with your followers through comments and likes.
  • Running Instagram Ads.

28. Will Instagram pay me if I have 1k followers?

Instagram does not directly pay for followers. However, with 1,000 followers, you may be eligible for affiliate marketing or influencer deals with brands.

29. Do you get paid for 5000 followers on Instagram?

With 5,000 followers, you may not qualify for Instagram’s direct monetization, but you can work with brands for influencer marketing or promote products through affiliate links.

30. How many followers is 1k?

1k followers refer to 1,000 followers.

31. How to be famous on Instagram fast?

To become famous on Instagram fast:

  • Post consistently high-quality content.
  • Use viral trends and challenges.
  • Engage with your audience and other influencers.
  • Run Instagram Ads targeting a wider audience.

32. How to get discovered on Instagram?

To get discovered on Instagram:

  • Use relevant hashtags.
  • Tag popular accounts or locations.
  • Create shareable content on Reels and IGTV.
  • Collaborate with other influencers.

33. How to get a celebrity to notice you on Instagram?

To get a celebrity to notice you on Instagram:

  • Engage with their posts consistently.
  • Tag them in relevant content.
  • Post creative and original content that aligns with their interests.

34. How to gain 1,000 followers on Instagram in a day?

It’s challenging to gain 1,000 followers in a day, but you can try:

  • Running Instagram Ads targeting new followers.
  • Collaborating with influencers for shoutouts.
  • Using viral content and trending hashtags.

35. How to gain followers on Instagram fast?

To gain followers fast:

  • Post engaging content frequently.
  • Use viral hashtags and trends.
  • Collaborate with influencers and larger accounts.
  • Run paid ads.

36. What is the right time to post on Instagram?

The right time to post on Instagram varies depending on your audience, but generally, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 7 p.m. work well.

37. Is Nigeria eligible for Instagram monetization?

Yes, Nigeria is eligible for Instagram monetization. You can earn money through Reels Play Bonus, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts if your account meets Instagram’s criteria.

38. Can I earn money by watching Instagram reels?

No, Instagram does not pay users for watching reels. You can earn money by creating reels that attract views and engagement, provided you are part of Instagram’s monetization program.

39. Does Instagram pay you?

Instagram pays creators who are part of its monetization programs, such as badges, Reels Play Bonus, or affiliate marketing. You can also earn money by working with brands.

40. How do I get my business to show up on Instagram?

To get your business to show up on Instagram:

  • Complete your business profile with relevant information.
  • Use location tags and hashtags.
  • Post engaging content regularly.
  • Run targeted ads to increase visibility.

41. How do I make my Instagram shop successful?

To make your Instagram shop successful:

  • Post high-quality product images.
  • Use descriptive captions with relevant hashtags.
  • Engage with customers through comments and direct messages.
  • Run Instagram Ads to promote your shop.

42. Why is my business not growing on Instagram?

Your business might not be growing on Instagram due to:

  • Inconsistent posting.
  • Poor engagement strategies.
  • Lack of targeted ads.
  • Not using relevant hashtags or trends.

43. How do I attract customers to my Instagram shop?

To attract customers to your Instagram shop:

  • Post appealing product images.
  • Use relevant hashtags.
  • Engage with followers through stories and direct messages.
  • Run Instagram Ads targeting potential customers.

44. How do I boost my business account on Instagram?

To boost your business account:

  • Post regularly and engage with followers.
  • Use Instagram Ads.
  • Collaborate with influencers.
  • Use hashtags, stories, and reels.

45. Why am I not getting sales on Instagram?

You may not be getting sales on Instagram because:

  • Your target audience is not properly defined.
  • Your content is not engaging or visually appealing.
  • You’re not using Instagram Ads effectively.
  • Your pricing or product descriptions may not be clear.

46. How do I make my business more visible on Instagram?

To make your business more visible:

  • Post frequently.
  • Use hashtags, stories, and reels.
  • Run Instagram Ads.
  • Engage with other accounts in your niche.

47. How often should you post on Instagram to grow your business?

Posting once a day or at least 3-5 times a week can help grow your business. Consistency is key, but quality is equally important.

48. How to gain followers on IG?

To gain followers on IG:

  • Post engaging, high-quality content regularly.
  • Use relevant and trending hashtags.
  • Engage with your audience through comments, stories, and live videos.

49. How do I boost my Instagram shop?

To boost your Instagram shop:

  • Promote your products through Instagram Ads.
  • Post high-quality images of your products with engaging captions.
  • Use stories and live videos to showcase new products.
  • Engage with followers and customers regularly.

50. How to make massive sales on Instagram?

To make massive sales on Instagram:

  • Run targeted ads to drive traffic to your shop.
  • Use Instagram Stories, Reels, and posts to showcase products.
  • Engage with your audience and answer their questions promptly.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to entice buyers.

51. How do I convince people to follow me on Instagram?

To convince people to follow you on Instagram:

  • Create engaging, relatable content.
  • Use appealing visuals and catchy captions.
  • Run giveaways or contests.
  • Engage with their content by liking and commenting.

52. What sells more on Instagram?

Fashion, beauty products, home decor, and fitness-related items tend to sell well on Instagram, especially when paired with influencer marketing and visual storytelling.

53. How do I get 1k followers on Instagram business?

To get 1k followers on your Instagram business account:

  • Post consistently with relevant content.
  • Use hashtags, collaborate with influencers, and run ads.
  • Engage with other users by liking, commenting, and sharing content.

54. How can I make my Instagram business grow faster?

To grow your Instagram business faster:

  • Use paid ads to target a specific audience.
  • Collaborate with influencers and other businesses.
  • Post consistently and engage with your followers.

55. Which niche is trending on Instagram?

Trending niches on Instagram include fashion, beauty, fitness, food, travel, and lifestyle. Finding a niche with less competition but high engagement can help you stand out.

56. How to make sales on Instagram in Nigeria?

To make sales on Instagram in Nigeria:

  • Post high-quality photos of your products.
  • Use targeted ads to reach potential customers.
  • Engage with customers in the comments and direct messages.
  • Offer easy payment options like Paystack or Flutterwave.

57. How do I get more customers on Instagram?

To get more customers on Instagram:

  • Post engaging content regularly.
  • Use Instagram Ads to target potential customers.
  • Engage with your audience through comments, stories, and direct messages.

58. Which Instagram business is best?

There’s no single “best” Instagram business, but fashion, beauty, fitness, and home decor businesses tend to perform well due to Instagram’s visual nature.

59. How many followers do you need on Instagram to sell products?

There’s no specific number of followers needed to sell products, but having at least 1,000 engaged followers can help drive traffic and sales to your Instagram shop.

60. What Instagram content makes the most money?

Content that makes the most money includes:

  • Sponsored posts.
  • Affiliate marketing content.
  • Product reviews.
  • High-quality product photos and videos that drive traffic to Instagram Shops.

The Best Instagram Advertising Agency in Nigeria That Drive Real Results

Looking to boost your business with Instagram Ads but not sure where to start? Let us handle it for you! At Prolanz Digitals, we specialize in creating high-converting Instagram ads for businesses in Nigeria. Whether you’re looking to increase sales, drive website traffic, or grow your brand, we’ll create, manage, and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

We have more than 8 years of experience and know how to bring you sales regardless of your advertising budget. Don’t miss out on reaching your audience—partner with us today and watch your business grow!