Is Social Media Management Outsourcing The Best Way To Grow Your Presence? Is It Worth It?

If you want another person or agency to manage your social media accounts for you, then what you are about to do is called social media management outsourcing.
This doesn’t come as a surprise. The time and in-house resources needed to run your company’s social media accounts is very demanding.
This can’t be more true for small brands trying to grow. And as a result, social media management outsourcing is now a common thing.
Letting a social media management firm handle your accounts will make sure you gain more than you sow on social media.
In this post, we will take a look at the benefits, setbacks and frequently asked questions on social media management outsourcing.
Benefits Of Social Media Management Outsourcing

There are many benefits of social media management outsourcing in 2022. Here are some of them.
1. Social Media Management Outsourcing Brings In Professional Skills
Outsourcing your social media networks is much better than using in-house talent.
Fine. Do you know how to chat? Yes. Do you know how to tweet? Yes. You can create multiple accounts and set up your profiles.
However, you probably don’t know how to target your social media marketing campaigns and generate sales leads. Do you?
Well, you can always spend some extra time (probably months) to research social media trends and add to your knowledge.
While you can just spend a few days finding a good social media management agency in Nigeria.
A social media management agency is a team of professionals. They have many brains and a hands-on deck.
Making use of such a team will maximize your social media efforts.
2. A Social Media Management Agency Knows What’s At Stake If They Don’t Deliver Results
Yes, they know. But do your employees do?
You can always do it. Since you are the Chief Executive Officer, Manager or Director, you can always give the employees some work to do.
And you can always order them to manage the company’s social media account in turns. You may think that they are young, they are more trendy, they should be more creative, they know what to do, blah blah blah.
However, they may pretend to be doing some serious work activity when they are not. There are chances that they will use the time to browse the internet and hang out with friends online.
They will not push targeted content and increase sales lead conversion. Why?
Because they don’t know what’s at stake. They will still get paid either way. It doesn’t matter to them as it will to a social media management company.
A social media management agency knows what’s at stake if they don’t bring results. They know you won’t renew the contract if they fail to do what you pay them to do.
3. Social Media Management Outsourcing Is Very Cost-effective. And It Will Save You Some Naira
This benefit of social media management outsourcing does not need to be overemphasized. It saves you money in more ways than you already know.
For instance, hiring a dedicated social media manager will cost you some money. You will have to:
- Setup a separate office for your social media manager
- Buy and provide a computer, accessories and premium software packages
- Spend money on internet data bandwidth
- Pay monthly salary and allowances
You will do all the things above alongside some other things. But with a social media management agency, you won’t have to worry about purchasing a computer or maintaining it.
Also, you won’t have to spend money on internet bandwidth or software packages. They have everything they need because they are a team of professionals.
Depending on which part of Nigeria your business is located in, you will have to pay a social media manager some good amount of money.
For instance, if you are in Lagos State, a social media manager that will work 9 AM to 4 PM or 5 PM, Monday to Friday may not demand less than ₦120,000 every month.
Whereas, there are social media marketing agencies in Nigeria whose social media management pricing plans can be purchased for a little more price.
4. Social Media Management Outsourcing Is Also Like An Insurance
It’s a well-known fact that social media management and marketing doesn’t always guarantee great results. And it will drain your budget nonetheless.
But do you know?
Making use of social media management outsourcing will make that management company or agency responsible for driving results. They will be accountable if the social media efforts succeed or fail.
But you know that won’t happen with your employees. They can just give a silly excuse, or even place blame on the target audience. Or even the social media platforms themselves.
Outsourcing your social media management is a very wise thing to do. You will get to kill two birds with one stone.
5. Social Media Management Outsourcing Guarantees Regular Content
No matter how hard you try, you can’t post content on all your business’ social media accounts. This is because you will be busy with other daily activities of your business.
This can’t be more true if you manage and control other employees, work schedules, marketing efforts and finances.
So now, imagine doing all that work alongside content creation. How will you find the time, or the needed attention and fresh mind needed to write such content?
However, with social media management outsourcing, your content will never be outdated. You will have fresh content every day on each social media account (depending on the contract between you and the social media management agency).
That way, your company’s post will always be on the news feed of all your potential customers.
6. You Won’t Have To Research Into Your Competitors And Industry Trends
You might be aware of what your close competitors are into. However, you won’t have the time nor the eye to research and analyze their social media and content strategy. And you won’t know how to use them in your brand’s favour.
By outsourcing your social media management, top-notch competitors and industry research will be done on your behalf. This is to your advantage too.
Generally, most business owners and company managers find competitor research to be a boring thing. And it requires intelligence and keen eyes too.
On the other hand, a social media management company is used to doing things like this. They will use premium social media management tools to do it perfectly. This will increase your chances of growing, and you will yield more results.
7. Increase Your Response Time On Social Media Platforms
As a brand, company or organization on social media, you will always have questions, complaints, feedback and concerns from people. This can be your already-existing customers, potential clients or both.
Your employees might not be enough to do all these. Also, time should be considered.
And meanwhile, a customer whose complaints or enquiry has not been attended to for hours will see and label your brand as imperfect.
If you don’t have the resources to handle such responsibilities, social media management outsourcing can help you out.
Instead of letting your most valuable conversations with customers go unchecked, you can have a third-party social media management agency do it for you.
The Challenges Of Social Media Management Outsourcing In Nigeria In 2022

The significance of social media management outsourcing can’t be overlooked. However, we should note that social media management outsourcing is not as easy as pressing a TV remote.
Social media management outsourcing also has its challenges and setbacks in Nigeria. We have mentioned a few of them in this post.
1. Finding The Right Social Media Management Agency In Nigeria Is Hard
It’s not easy to employ the right talent in Nigeria, at least not at an affordable price. This is not because there is a shortage of agencies and freelancers in the country.
In fact, there are thousands of social media management companies in Nigeria, and probably tens of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of social media management experts.
But there is a mass difference between working with freelancers and professional social media management firms. And more so, most of the latter are very expensive to hire.
And that brings us to the first setback of social media management outsourcing. It’s not easy to find a good agency that will handle your social media channels well enough.
However, you can still find a good agency if you search carefully. You can make use of the guidelines below.
- Take a good look at the past record, testimonials and portfolio of the social media management agency
- Try and figure out the area of specialization that they are focused on. This is because most of the social media management firms out there are also into other digital marketing services. And most of them just offer social media management as a supplementary service
- Don’t necessarily go for the agency with the lowest price. And the one with the highest price won’t necessarily be the best. Don’t judge the expertise with the price
Prolanz Digitals is Nigeria’s leading and top social media management agency. We have been in the industry for 7 years now. And we have the best employees from all corners of Nigeria.
Speak with us now and let’s do your social media management outsourcing for you. You will remember this day and thank God for it!
2. Committment To Your Brand’s Success
Not all social media management agencies have you are committed to the success of your business. They just want to do what you pay them to do, nothing more.
Nobody can have more interest in the success of your business than your investors, partners and employees. This is because investors and partners have a lot to lose if your business doesn’t work out. Also, employees have only one job and they will surely want to be committed if they want to be paid.
However, a social media management agency has many clients. The amount of commitment, dedication and loyalty they offer depends on how much your business contributes to their revenue.
And who knows, maybe you are even their lowest-paying client.
3. You Are Taking A Big Risk!
It’s indeed a very big responsibility to hand over the keys and access codes of your company’s social media accounts to a third party.
This can’t be more true if the social media management agency will have direct contact with your clients. Letting someone else have conversations with your clients is very risky.
This is because they also work with other companies that render the same services as yours. And they can spy on your marketing techniques. But that’s even minimal compared to some cases, where your clients will be poached.
Although there is also something you can do to make this better. You can set aside an employee to monitor and review the activities of the social media management agency from time to time.
That way, you will know what the agency is discussing with a client on your behalf.
Frequently Asked Questions On Social Media Management Outsourcing

What Is Social Media Management Outsourcing?
Social media management outsourcing is simply paying another freelancer or agency to manage your social media accounts for you.
By outsourcing your social media management, you will have more time and in-house resources to focus on other tasks.
How Can You Outsource Social Media?
Social media management outsourcing is very easy to do. All you need to do is find a social media management agency like Prolanz Digitals.
Contact us and let’s discuss your social media management. We will let you know immediately if it will work.
We don’t waste time!
How Much Does It Cost To Hire Someone To Manage Social Media?
This depends on many things. Although on average, a freelance social media manager should be able to work with ₦90,000 per month.
A social media management agency like Prolanz Digitals would calculate the amount based on many factors.
Most social media management agencies should not charge more than ₦200,000 on the average scale.
Why You Should Outsource Social Media Marketing?
There are many reasons why brands and businesses make use of social media management outsourcing. Some of them are mentioned here.
- To have time for other business activities. You can now focus on other important stuff
- Social media management outsourcing brings in new talent
- Outsourcing actually cost less in the long-run
- You will have more chances of beating your competitors
- Your social media content will be taken care of. You won’t have to worry about posting content
The Bottom Line

Although there is no specific way to move your social media accounts where they should be, social media management outsourcing can put you in the right direction.
It’s very possible to manage your social media accounts alongside your business. But, it will cost you more time and money. And that’s why you should consider social media management outsourcing.